Training's and Walk Throughs

Start Building your Website
Launch the Website Wizard
The wizard allows you to customize the essential elements of your website: layout, accent colors, hero image, and consumer search options. Whether you're setting up a brand new site, or giving your existing site a facelift, this wizard makes it easy to update your website's look and feel.
Choose a Layout
The layout of your website determines the entire look and feel, and how consumers find their way around. Once you select your website layout, you can add additional elements to customize your website. You can choose from three layouts: Villa, Bungalow, and Tudor.
Add Website Widgets
Widgets are prebuilt content blocks that you can add to your Home page and Custom pages to set yourself apart, showcase your expertise, and help consumers navigate your website. There are several different widgets you can add to your website, and different styles for each.
Add Images to Your Website
Since consumers are very visual, images are a great way to capture their attention, while adding visual context to the content on the page. You can add images to various pages on your website, and you can hyperlink images too!
Create a Transparent Logo
Having a transparent logo can add a modern and visually pleasing aspect to your Market Leader website, and some website layouts work best with a transparent logo. If you don't already have a transparent version of your logo, you can create one.